Mwangaza Development

A word of sincere thanks and deep appreciation goes to the many benefactresses and benefactors whose generous donations made possible the building of Mwangaza’s new block, dedicated to “The Sacred Heart”; the refurbishing of the old Manresa House; and the completion of the photovoltaic power generator.These gifts were given through Fr. Bernie Owens, S.J., a staff member of the Centre, who devoted much time and efforts to contact and invite devoted Catholics in the USA to collaborate with the vision and work of Mwangaza Jesuit Spirituality Centre; to Mr Stephan Olson, who visited us and helped with funding for the building; and to various grants given by several Church and Jesuit agencies, who have supported our work for some years.

The new Sacred Heart building hosts 3 dining rooms, a kitchen, 4 stores, laundry, 2 offices and a generator room. Moreover, and thanks to the donations referred to above, the Centre was also able to purchase much-needed equipment and furniture for the facility. Furthermore, the Centre was able to implement the full installation of the photovoltaic power plant with batteries (100Kwp) and an electricity generator (110KVA) to meet the power consumption needs. Thanks to your generous donations, the Centre was also able to refurbish some rooms in the old Manresa House. So, the old dining room became a Conference hall and the small dining room will be turned into a 14-person capacity meeting room. Mayor land-escaping work has been done in the areas near the building, with roofed pathways in the making. We invite you to see some photos.